We will remove content completely unrelated to Pokémon & posts that are just to gain karma, Memes and comedic posts that do not contain any substantial Pokémon material and discussion fall under this, as do memes, reposts and any sort of spam. Rule 2- No Low Effort Content Threads that are considered low effort are subject to removal at the mods' discretion. Continued uncivil behavior may result in a ban. Inflammatory/offensive comments and stirring up drama are not allowed. Rule 1- Be Civil Any harmful, harassing or derogatory comments to or about other people, including usage of vulgar slurs will be removed. R/TruePokemon is the home for intellectual and insightful discussion about anything to do with Pokémon - be it the main series, spin-off games (Mystery Dungeon, etc.), TCG, the metagame, and so on.